Wondering how our Authentic Japanese Head Spa make a difference to your scalp and hair overtime?..
See how this client’s scalp changed from her first visit in April of last year to now. She had very oily, flaky and itchy irritated scalp. Her hair was extremely dry and devitalized. *Note: Meanwhile, clients would be using the all natural hair care products we exclusively tailor to their conditions.
Same client’s scalp before the Head Spa today. Her scalp was much clearer, less oily and flaky with no itchiness. Although the follicles are clogged, the scalp colour and condition are much better.
Ultimately, you want a clear, translucent, juicy scalp with follicles wide open and unclogged!… Yaaaay!…
#headspa #yokoshautecoiffure #hairspa #renefurterersalon #headmassage #juicyscalp