Yoko’s Haute Coiffure featured in Japan’s Sun Air Tokyo Magazine June 2018

Hi everyone,

Yoko’s Haute Coiffure & b-yu Head Spa was featured in the June 2018 edition of Sun Air Tokyo Magazine.  The newsletter highlighted us as one of the businesses operating ‘outside’ of Japan proudly carrying their handmade Japanese Bamboo Brushes.  This highly reputable Tokyo-based bamboo brush company has agreed to partner up with our salon to share the knowledge of the many benefits of using a hand made bamboo Pin Brush for scalp health and beauty.  This company is so confident about the exceptional quality of their bamboo brushes they provide lifetime support for any repairs.  Their philosophy is to create quality brushes that are earth friendly,  help improve health and wellbeing, and to educate people to “re-use” their items for generations to come.  In other words, these brushes are not meant to be thrown away after a couple years use.  For this very reason, the company offers “after care support”.  If your brush happens to become “worn-out” or gets damaged for whatever reason, we will take it back to Japan to have it repaired and “refreshed”  for a minimal fee.  Many of their customers have had the same brush for over 30 years!

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